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v2.2 2023-11-14

Sunny Synths Korg Prologue editor and librarian

The panel is an editor and librarian for the Korg Prologue and covers all parameters at program level and for the two timbres (main and sub). It also handles the Global parameters but not yet the Livesets.


Besides the editor, you will also benefit from a complete librarian. It will allow you to manage an image of the content of your Prologue (after performing a “bank receive” from your prologue to the panel) but also two “disk” banks that are banks only on your PC. From there you are able to perform different program operations between the banks (copy, swap, init and move).


The librarian is going further! It will also allow you to perform similar operations with timbres and, not the least, you will be able to give names to your timbres, store a description of the programs, the author name and the date.


The panel is also reading and writing Korg Librarian files (.prlgprog; not .prlglib) but can also read and convert Minilogue XD files (sysex and .mnlgxdprog). It is also possible to write Minilogue XD files (sysex only at the moment).


Finally, a last section allows you to list the parameters of programs or timbres, to compare them, to compare saved and current values…



  • Korg Prologue editor and librarian for PC and Mac with same look as actual synthesizer

  • Top “LCD screen” displaying parameter name and full description, CC number used (or “No CC”), current and saved values for both main and sub timbres at the same time

  • Rotary buttons with colored ring

  • Switches with same look as synth

  • Bi-directional behavior (for CC parameters only): modifying a parameter on the panel modifies it on the synth; modifying a parameter on the synth modifies the panel

  • Fast send and small send buttons at different places to send a full program dump to the synth which is needed when changing non-CC parameters (indicated in light green)

  • Envelopes graphs handled by mouse or the ADSR rotary buttons

  • Load Korg Librarian .prlglib bank files

  • Load /Save sysex bank dump files

  • Load / Save programs from banks or from individual .syx files

  • Load / Save Prologue Korg Librarian .prlgprog files

  • Load / Save of Minilogue XD .syx files and convert them to Prologue

  • Load Minilogue XD Korg Librarian .mnlgxdgprog files and convert them to Prologue

  • Receive/Send from/to Prologue buffer

  • Direct mode to change programs on the synth

  • Easy program renaming

  • Display and export of program parameters (current values, saved values, both, comparison, differences) as text file

  • Programs have a name, author, save date and description

  • Complete librarian providing handling of 2 disk banks and one “Prologue” bank (500 programs by bank). The “Prologue” bank can be received from the actual synthesizer.

  • Operations in banks for programs: rename, init, copy, move, swap programs, full comparison, difference only comparison

  • Timbres have a name

  • Timbre operations in current program: copy main to sub, copy sub to main, swap, rename, init

  • Complete librarian providing handling of 2 timbre banks (1000 timbres by bank)

  • Operations in banks for timbres: rename, init, copy, move, swap timbres, full comparison

  • Global settings management with ability to Receive/Send them from/to the Prologue synth

  • Ability to load and see your User oscillators names, mod FX names, delay and reverb names

  • Different switches to modify the behavior of the panel according to your way of working

  • Panel zoom with memory

  • Standalone versions for PC and Mac

  • VST versions for PC (64 bits)

  • VST and AU versions for Mac)


Price: 25 EUR

For more info on getting this panel, please contact


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